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Facebook bans false claims about COVID-19 vaccines

PALO ALTO, Calif. (Reuters) - Facebook Inc on Thursday said it would remove false claims about COVID-19 vaccines that have been debunked by public health experts, following a similar announcement by Alphabet Inc’s YouTube in October.

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Time to Upgrade Your Mask?

Is it time to upgrade your mask?

By now most of us have settled on a preferred cloth mask to protect ourselves and others from coronavirus. But new research shows that a few simple upgrades in fabric, filters and fit are likely to provide even more protection.

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Pressure rises for rapid COVID-19 testing

The Trump administration’s Operation Warp Speed has now helped achieve the remarkable success of two vaccines shown to be highly effective in preventing COVID-19. But pressure is rising for a similar push from the administration in a different area key to fighting the pandemic: rapid testing.

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Health systems are using AI to predict severe Covid-19 cases. But limited data could produce unreliable results

As the United States braces for a bleak winter, hospital systems across the country are ramping up their efforts to develop AI systems to predict how likely their Covid-19 patients are to fall severely ill or even die. Yet most of the efforts are being developed in silos and trained on limited datasets, raising crucial questions about their reliability.

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The Vaccines Will Probably Work. Making Them Fast Will Be the Hard Part.

The promising news that not just one but two coronavirus vaccines were more than 90 percent effective in early results has buoyed hopes that an end to the pandemic is in sight.

But even if the vaccines are authorized soon by federal regulators — the companies developing them have said they expect to apply soon — only a sliver of the American public will be able to get one by the end of the year. The two companies, Pfizer and Moderna, have estimated they will have 45 million doses, or enough to vaccinate 22.5 million Americans, by January.

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